Comprehensive Muscle Rehabilitation Solutions

Incorporating Functional Electrotherapy

A Solid Foundation for Your Recovery and Muscle Capacity

At SET, we harness the power of functional electrotherapy to aid in your recovery and enhance your muscle capabilities, whether you are recuperating from an injury, preparing for or rebounding from surgery, or seeking to optimize your physical condition for sports.

Our personalized muscle strengthening solutions

Our approach to muscle strengthening is as unique as you are.

Our offering:

  1. Purchase of your kit: The first step is acquiring your muscle strengthening kit.
  2. Custom therapeutic education: After your purchase, we will be in touch to schedule a personalized education session on your device, combining the best electrotherapy strategies with guidance from an electrotherapy expert to target your muscle strengthening effectively.
  3. Continuous support: The key to our success lies in continuous support. Our functional electrotherapy experts guide you at every step, adjusting to your evolving needs as you progress.


In order to benefit from the therapeutic education offered with your muscle rehabilitation device, it is essential to provide us with a recommendation from your treating physiotherapist or a prescription from your doctor, including the diagnosis, the objective, and the specific muscle to be treated.

What you get with the our muscle rehabilitation package:

  • Increase in muscular strength: Following a musculoskeletal injury or in the presence of neurological damage, we target the specific strengthening of the affected muscles.
  • Improvement in joint range of motion: Our programs aim to extend or maintain your flexibility and joint mobility, essential to complete recovery.
  • Facilitation of muscle rehabilitation: We employ optimal techniques to rehabilitate and facilitate movement, thereby strengthening the muscles and functions necessary for daily life.
  • Benefit for athletes: Reduce the risk of relapse after an injury thanks to a targeted approach to a safe and effective return to sport.

Our commitment: personalized support

What sets us apart is our commitment to providing you with tailor-made support.

Our team of healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing you with ongoing, personalized support. In addition to offering you advice throughout your use, we will support you and work with your treating healthcare professional to correctly adjust the settings of your device to your condition.

  • Tailored advice: Benefit from expert support, adapted to your situation for optimal use of our tools.
  • Close collaboration with healthcare professionals: We work with your healthcare professional to adapt approaches to your specific needs.
  • Continuous Support: Our lifelong support service ensures constant monitoring to maximize the benefits for your health.

Frequently asked questions

  • How does electrotherapy stimulate muscle activity?

    Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is a safe current that penetrates the skin to reach and activate the targeted muscle, triggering a contraction. This type of current can help prevent atrophy, retrain muscular imbalances, facilitate the enhancement of muscle properties, and serve several other therapeutic purposes.

  • Is electrotherapy safe for muscle strengthening?

     Yes, electrotherapy is a safe method for muscle strengthening under professional supervision. It enables targeted strengthening without putting excess strain on joints, making it ideal for rehabilitation or when traditional exercises are not feasible. However, there are contraindications in certain cases, highlighting the importance of professional guidance to ensure safety and effectiveness.

  • How long does it take to see results with electrotherapy for muscle strengthening?

    The time to see significant results from electrotherapy in muscle strengthening can vary based on several factors, such as session frequency and regularity, treatment intensity, and the individual's initial physical condition.

    Typically, users begin to notice improvements in muscle strength and tone after a few weeks of regular treatment. For optimal results, it is recommended to follow a personalized electrotherapy program accompanied by a customized exercise regimen, tailored to meet each person's specific needs.

  • Can I use electrotherapy at home for muscle strengthening?

    Yes, at SET, we encourage home electrotherapy for muscle strengthening, enabling self-managed care for your well-being. Our devices and programs are designed for effective and safe sessions at home, providing flexibility and ongoing professional support to optimize your results independently.

  • What's the difference between electrotherapy and traditional muscle training?

    Electrotherapy stimulates muscles through electrical impulses to induce contractions, targeting specific muscle groups without putting stress on joints, making it ideal for rehabilitation. Traditional training involves physical exercises to strengthen muscles, also improving coordination and endurance. Both methods are complementary, with electrotherapy being particularly beneficial for rehabilitation and traditional training for overall strengthening.

  • How does eletrotherapy incorporate within a muscle strengthening program?

    To integrate electrotherapy into a muscle strengthening program, it is advisable to collaborate with a professional, such as a physiotherapy practitioner, to create a customized plan. This plan can involve electrotherapy for muscle preparation, post-effort recovery, or targeted strengthening, thereby promoting optimal results while minimizing the risk of injury.

Use our chat service, send us a message or call us toll-free for assistance Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Need to chat with a specialist?

Visit the Frequently Asked Questions section below to find the answer to your question.

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